GAFC and SSI- G Assisted Living Subsidies

Supplemental Security Income-G became effective January 1, 1998 in Massachusetts. It is assistance to pay for the room and board portion of assisted living. Since SSI-G recipients are Medicaid-eligible, they, by definition, are eligible for Group Adult Foster Care. The Group Adult Foster Care program is a Medicaid program that provides assistance in paying for services provided in assisted living programs such as personal care and nursing and/or social work services. Together these programs can help persons with limited incomes to finance their stay and get the services they need from participating assisted living programs.

SSI-G eligibility requirements:

  1. Residence in an Executive Office of Elder Affairs Certified Assisted Living Facility that provides Group Adult Foster Care (list)
  2. Individual need and ability to meet the clinical criteria for service package offered by the Group Adult Foster Program - approval by the local Aging Service Access Point or ASAP (formerly known as the state Home Care Corporations)
  3. Individual does not receive assistance under other federal or state rental assistance program
  4. Individual pays a fixed, non-separable fee for rent and supportive services, other than medically necessary services reimbursed by MassHealth
  5. Eligible for SSI at the income level set for Living Arrangement G

Group Adult Foster Care - Qualifications:

  1. Must be 22 years of age or older
  2. Must meet the financial criteria as established to be eligible for Community Medicaid
  3. Requires a physician's authorization confirming the individual's risk of institutionalization
  4. Requires daily assistance with at least one Activity of Daily Living (ADL)
  5. Requires approval from the local Aging Service Access Point or ASAP (formerly state Home Care Corporations)

The Application Process

The staff of the assisted living program will do an initial screen and then send the information to the ASAP for approval. If approved, the applicant then applies for SSI-G through the Social Security Administration. If approved for SSI-G the individual automatically receives Medicaid/GAFC. If not eligible for SSI-G, then one can apply separately for Medicaid/GAFC.

6/99, reviewed 4/13