Brain Injury Community Support Program

(Formerly Brain Injury Support Fund)

Brain Injury Community Support Program provides cash grants of up to $2,000 a year to New Hampshire residents who are trying to rebuild their lives after a severe brain injury. To qualify the debilitating condition must be a result of traumatic brain injury, brain tumor or stroke, which was severe and involved either a coma, required acute hospitalization or inpatient rehabilitation. Medical documentation is required. The person must currently require assistance with ADLs or have required assistance at some point in the recovery process. Prior to the brain injury the person must have been generally healthy and active. Money is given for three major areas of need:

  1. Financial crisis immediately following the injury - to help survivors and families adjust to the loss of income, meet everyday living expenses and pay off debts
  2. Transitional need - pay for computers, home modifications, medical devices, tuition and job training to help build a new life and cope with new realities and
  3. Quality of life - there are a wide variety of possible uses. It has been used for communication technology, massage therapy, therapeutic support groups, and other unique therapies.

Application: Brain Injury Community Support Program.

More information or other resources: Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire

7/98, rev 3/11