According to an article in the Boston Globe ("New benefits policy cheered: Immigrants reassured about health services", June 7, 1999, p B1.), the Clinton administration has issued new regulations that clarify which public benefit programs legal immigrants can utilize without the threat of being branded a "public charge". Public charge status can negatively impact one's application for permanent residency or a green card. Per the Globe "(u)nder the new regulations, use of all government health services, such as MassHealth, Healthy Start and the Children's Medical Security Plan, will not affect immigration status, unless MassHealth is used for long-term institutionalization. Nor will using food stamps, housing benefits, WIC and other non-cash programs." These regulations also allow the children or other family members of an immigrant to receive cash assistance (such as SSI), without public charge jeopardy if these benefits are not the sole source of support for the family. Please note that the concept of public charge is only used when applying for permanent residency and is not an issue for those who already have a green card and want to apply for citizenship.
