The Federation for Children with Special Needs (800-331-0688) provides education and support to parents of children with disabilities. A disability is defined by the Federation as, " . . . an impairment or limit on overall development; or on the development or functioning in one or more of the following areas: intelligence; senses (hearing or seeing); neurological (that is, the nervous system); emotional, mental or behavioral; communication; physical; specific learning; or health."

From birth to age 3, children with disabilities are eligible for Early Intervention programs. The CRC has a listing of every program available in Massachusetts. From age 3 to 22, the Mass. Department of Education must provide "a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), individualized for his or her needs. [Parents] have the right and responsibility to participate in developing this program."

Accessing the services available through the local school system can often prove to be a confusing and overwhelming experience, especially when parents are not aware of their rights under the law. The Federation runs parent and provider seminars all over Massachusetts that explain the rights of children with disabilities and how to best access the services these children may need. Each participant is given "The Parent Manual: A guide to parents’ and children’s rights under federal and state special education laws" (available for review at the CRC) which is the most comprehensive guide available. Parents of disabled children should be encouraged to contact the Federation for education and support.

The quotes in this article are from the Parent Manual.
