Winter is here and so is the cold weather. Last month’s issue of MGH Community News had a feature on the ABCD Fuel Assistance program. The following are two other programs run by ABCD that help keep low-income families warm through the cold New England winters.
Licensed, insured technicians through the ABCD Conservation Office perform all work. A limited amount of work can be performed for low-income renters because these people are expected to receive repairs through their landlords. Renters are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Call 617-357-6012 to access this program.
Weatherization Program
The program runs all year long and services about 30 households per month. The Weatherization Program is only available to people once in a lifetime. The application is approved within 20-45 days. For more information or to apply call ABCD at 357-6000 X419.
*See the MassHealth Financial Eligibility Chart in last month’s newsletter for an income guideline for the 150% Federal Poverty Level.