

Winter is here and so is the cold weather. Last month’s issue of MGH Community News had a feature on the ABCD Fuel Assistance program. The following are two other programs run by ABCD that help keep low-income families warm through the cold New England winters.

Homeowners at or below the 150% poverty guideline* are eligible for free heating system repair or replacement if they live in Boston, Brookline or Newton. Emergency no-heat calls are responded to within 24 hours.

Licensed, insured technicians through the ABCD Conservation Office perform all work. A limited amount of work can be performed for low-income renters because these people are expected to receive repairs through their landlords. Renters are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Call 617-357-6012 to access this program.

Weatherization Program
Income-eligible people at or below the 150% poverty level* in Boston, Brookline and Newton should take advantage of the Weatherization program which provides energy conservation repairs for the home. This includes door weather-stripping and repairs, attic and wall insulation, exterior storm windows, and other kinds of conservation repairs.

The program runs all year long and services about 30 households per month. The Weatherization Program is only available to people once in a lifetime. The application is approved within 20-45 days. For more information or to apply call ABCD at 357-6000 X419.

*See the MassHealth Financial Eligibility Chart in last month’s newsletter for an income guideline for the 150% Federal Poverty Level.
