Prescription Advantage

Prescription Advantage has ongoing/rolling enrollment.  Applicants may apply at any time of the year!

Note:  Prescription Advantage now primarily offers Medicare Part D wrap-around coverage for those eligible for Medicare.  They still provide more comprehensive coverage for those ineligible for Medicare.

Information:   Prescription Advantage website

Application:    Application is available in English and 8 other languages here.

Type:  INSURANCE plan.

Administration:  Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

  Must be a resident of Massachusetts and not a MassHealth or CommonHealth member AND

*Disabled definition:

If Medicare eligible, applicants/members are required to join a Medicare Part D drug plan or a creditable coverage plan (coverage that is equal to or better than Medicare prescription drug coverage). Members enrolled in creditable coverage plans only receive assistance with prescription drug co -payments.

Prescription Advantage also requires lower-income, Medicare-eligible members to apply for the Medicare Low Income Subsidy (also known as “Extra Help from Medicare”).

How Prescription Advantage Works with the Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) FOR 2012 (Effective 1/1/12. Most recent version as of 2/15.)



Enrollment:  Prescription Advantage accepts applications year-round.  No more waiting for an annual open-enrollment period.

Additional Information:

Revised 2/15