MassHealth Updates:
MassHealth Senior Care Option Coming Soon
After many years of planning, MassHealth Senior Care Options (SCOs) is finally becoming a reality. SCOs is a new health program which offers a coordinated care plan for qualified seniors. From the SCOs webpage: ( "Key objectives of the initiative are to improve the quality and coordination of care provided to dually eligible (MassHealth and Medicare) and MassHealth-only seniors, to expand their access to covered services, to maximize their satisfaction with services provided, and to increase the cost-effectiveness of care. Clinical, functional, social, and psychosocial needs of enrollees will be addressed through the application of an interdisciplinary geriatric model of care. Care planning will focus on maintaining or improving functional and health status, and an expansion of community long-term care options will be encouraged. Enrollees and/or their authorized representatives, as appropriate, will participate in care choices and care planning during the initial visit and on an ongoing basis, and will be represented in the governance of the SCO." SCOs are required to contract with Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs), who will employ Geriatric Support Services Coordinators (GSSCs) to manage community long-term care services.
Enrollment in SCOs is voluntary. The programs are just starting enrollment in limited areas with planned start dates in March and April.
More information will be forthcoming as it becomes available.