
Medical Secuity Plan Premiums

For Massachusetts residents who are collecting unemployment benefits and who have family incomes under 400% of the Federal Poverty Level, the Medical Security Plan is the state's answer to health insurance. The Medical Security Plan has two programs: (1.) Direct Coverage which is a comprehensive health benefit plan, currently offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield, to claimants who do not have access to health insurance and (2.) Premium Assistance, which allows claimants to receive reimbursement for COBRA coverage that they maintain through their former employer (up to $217 per month for individual plans and $523 per month for family plans). Last year the state began charging a weekly premium for the Direct Coverage program. The state now charges $20 per week for individuals and $30 per week for families.

Health Care For All would like to hear from anyone currently using the Medical Security Plan if these weekly premiums are causing a financial hardship, causing you not to enroll in the plan, or are causing you to drop the plan. Contact Health Care For All's Help Line at (800) 272-4232 for more information.
