
Romney FY 05 Budget Summary








Department of Mental Health (DMH)
Overall mental health funding is reduced by $5.1 million below FY04 appropriations of $592.8 million. Funding for payments to state psychiatric hospitals and inpatient services is reduced by $7.5M, and for contracted acute inpatient and emergency programs, funding is reduced by $1 million or 3%. Child and adolescent mental health services funds increase by 3%, and $3M is targeted for enhancing housing opportunities for the mentally ill. The Governor also allocates $2.5 million toward a program to eliminate over-prescription of psychiatric drugs to children.

Department of Public Health (DPH).
State Public Health expenditures are reduced by more than $20 million, with overall Public Health expenditures at $335 million for FY05. While a number of prevention programs were eliminated in FY04, most remaining programs receive the same funding as in FY 04. Funding for community health centers and school-based health centers, however, is eliminated. Smoking cessation funds remain at last year's level of $2.5M, which represents a loss of more than $30 million since FY03. Funding for family health services is increased by more than $1 mil-lion in FY05. The following is a list of some of the Public Health reductions from FY04:

Governor Romney Acknowledges Under-Reimbursement of Providers and Announces Plans for Universal Coverage Program . . . Secretary of Health and Human Services Ron Preston later described the administration's efforts to model several packages and present them to Governor Romney as early as March. Preston told members of the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees that he intends to work with Legislators and providers prior to going forward with any plan.

-Adapted from Mass. Law Reform Institute House 1 for FY 2005 Preliminary Analysis of Selected Welfare, Child Care, Housing and Health Issues, January 29, 2004 and Partner's Government Relations Update No. (03-18), by Joy Rosen. Additional material courtesy Marta Frank, Exec. Director, Boston Senior Homecare.
