MassHealth Updates 03-04

MassHealth Updates


On January 16th, 2004, the Legislature directed the Romney administration (through a veto override of a provision in the supplemental budget) to restore MassHealth coverage (in the form of MassHealth Essential) to up to 2,750 elderly and disabled legal immigrants who lost coverage on August 1st if there are sufficient funds in the MassHealth Essential account. It is unclear how this will be implemented, although it is conceivable that DMA will automatically upgrade these individuals since they are already in the MassHealth system on MassHealth Limited. EOHHS report was released on March 25; Their initial assessment projects that there will be enough money to cover the 2750 legal senior and disabled immigrants who lost their coverage this past August. Coverage is expected to begin June 1st.


Asset Testing

DMA has decided to not implement asset tests for the remainder of the fiscal year (through June 30, 2004). It appears that planning is continuing for implementation next year. There is the possibility that CommonHealth members may be exempt from asset testing; however, their premium amount would be raised instead.


(Not to be confused with the MSPCA. Fill-in your own "the state treats animals better than people" joke here).

Effective March 1st, 2004, MassHealth requires all individuals who are eligible for MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth to obtain and/or maintain available group health insurance, under the MSCPA (MassHealth Standard/CommonHealth Premium Assistance) program.

There are several potential problems in the implementation of this change.

Healthy Start

Since the Healthy Start application was eliminated and women have had to apply with the MBR, enrollment in Healthy Start has jumped, presumably because more women are being captured who weren't sure they were eligible for Healthy Start. As of the end of March, enrollment is at around 5,000 women.

-Kim Simonian, Health Access and Community Partnerships Partners Community Benefits with additional information from Karla Fortunato, Health Care For All, MassHealth Defense project.
