MassHealth Restored for Elderly and Disabled Legal Immigrants 05-04

MassHealth Restored for Elderly and Disabled Legal Immigrants

On June 1, 2004, MassHealth will automatically upgrade eligibility for lawfully present elderly and disabled immigrants to MassHealth Essential. This is expected to restore benefits to some 2,700 of the estimated 10,000 legal immigrants who were cut from MassHealth Basic last August. MassHealth Essential provides more significant health care coverage than these immigrants are currently receiving on MassHealth Limited.

People under age 65 with disabilities will have to choose a Primary Care Clinician before their MassHealth card starts covering more benefits. After June 1, 2004, they should call the Customer Service Center (1-800-841-2900) to choose a Primary Care Clinician.

A fact sheet to give to patients about this change is available from the CRC or MIRA. This fact sheet will also be translated into Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.

MIRA is urging all who work with legal immigrants to call your State Representative and State Senator to urge them to provide funding to extend health care beyond September 30th! If you do not know your legislator, call 617-727-7030 or visit

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact your local Legal Services office or contact the Mass Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) 617/350-5480 or the Mass Law Reform Institute, 617/357-0700.

-Adapted from MIRA fact sheet "Initial MassHealth Restoration for Elderly and Disabled Legal Immigrants" and "MassHealth Restoration for Elderly and Disabled Legal Immigrants", Mass Law Reform Institute.
