Medicare Drug Discount Cards and "Part D" 05-04

Medicare Drug Discount Cards and "Part D"

The new Medicare prescription drug benefit will roll-out in two stages. The first stage began this month (May 2004). Medicare beneficiaries can now sign-up for a Medicare drug discount card that will offer benefits starting June 1, 2004. Those with low income may be eligible for a $600 credit on their card for each of the years 2004 and 2005. The discount card program is scheduled to be phased out beginning in December 2005 with the start of Medicare Part D, the second stage of the drug benefit.

Those with Medicaid/MassHealth are not eligible for a discount card, as they already have drug coverage. When Medicare Part D begins, MassHealth will no longer offer drug coverage and members will choose whether or not to participate in Medicare Part D. Ideally they will be automatically switched unless they opt out, but this has yet to be determined.

The Cards

Discount Card Eligibility

$600 Low-Income Credit or "Transitional Assistance"

Will the drug card give me the best deal?

That's a good question. It depends.

Medicare "Part D" Update

As of January 2005 Medicare will expand coverage for preventative services that will include an initial physical exam on enrollment and heart disease and diabetes screening. Medicare will also be creating and evaluating a Chronic Care Improvement Program. It will include components such as education, care coordination and the use of new health monitoring technologies.

Additional Information

This article was adapted from the following publications which also offer more information. Staff can review the CRC's copy or you can order your own:
