Non-Medicare Approved Drug Discount Cards 05-04

Non-Medicare Approved Drug Discount Cards

Some pharmaceutical companies still offer their own discount cards that operate differently than the Medicare-approved formula. Together Rx and LillyAnswers are examples. There are also insurance companies and other businesses that provide their own independent "Non-Medicare-Approved" drug discount cards. Two that have come to the attention of the CRC are: Neighborhood Healthy Discount prescription plan (781- 246-9359), offered by the Neighborhood Diabetes Shoppe using the AmeriScript Network, and the Prescription Drug Discount Card, using the Scrip Solutions network, which is offered by the Non-profit Warehouse ( Both programs are free and offer discounts that purport to be similar to those offered by Medicare-approved cards on brand-name drugs (about 15%). Neighborhood Healthy Discount claims that savings for generic drugs can range from 35-50%. Participating pharmacies vary. Consumers can have an unlimited number of these cards in addition to a Medicare-approved card and should decide which to use based on their prescription profile and the discounts offered.

The Massachusetts Attorney General's Office reports that they have received a number of complaints about non-Medicare approved cards, so they offer the following notes and suggestions:

Contact the Attorney General's Consumer Hotline if you think a discount card's practices are un-fair or deceptive.
