Prescription Advantage Open Enrollment
Prescription Advantage, the state prescription drug insurance plan administered by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, will hold an annual Open Enrollment period September 1 - 30, 2004. Staff should ensure that patients know that applications must be received no later than September 30. Coverage will begin November 1, 2004.
Enrollment has been closed since last September because of a budget cap, but, as part of the FY '05 budget process, the Legislature mandated the open enrollment period, and appropriated $14 million to accommodate additional members. This is mainly important for seniors 66 or over, since seniors who turn 65 or disabled people who meet income guidelines may enroll at any time.
Prescription Advantage applications can be obtained through local Councils on Aging across the State, SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders) offices, the website, or by contacting the Plan directly at 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636). Revised Prescription Advantage applications will be available at local Councils on Aging or by mail by the middle of July. Those interested should not use old applications as new information is needed. Applications will also be available in Spanish by mid-July.
For more information about Prescription Advantage see the department's website: Staff Access > Community Resource Center > Basic Needs > Health Care Coverage > Medications/Prescription Drugs, or call 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636) and press # 1.
-Adapted from press release from EOEA and article in the Boston Globe, 6/30/04