Revised Food Stamp Medical Report Form

As many of you know, those age 18 to 50 who are "Able-Bodied And Without Dependents" (known in DTA parlance as an "ABAWD"), may only receive Food Stamp Benefits for 3 months in a 36 month period unless the individual is:

Those exempt from work requirements meet at least one of the following conditions, they:

The USDA recently clarified that individuals claiming an exemption from the Food Stamp Work Requirement due to being "Unfit For Work" (pregnancy; participation in a vocation or rehabilitation program; participation in mental health counseling; participation in a drug or alcohol treatment program; or a mental or physical illness which reduces the individual's ability to financially support him or herself) do not need to prove a disability. The medical report form is used to document "Unfit for Work".

At the request of the Food Stamp Improvement Coalition and the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) recently revised the four-page medical report form and reduced it to a one-page simple check-off form. DTA has also expanded the scope of providers who may sign this form to include social workers, and substance abuse counselors. The provider need not detail the medical condition, the test results, or other detailed documentation previously required. The exact definition of a "drug or alcohol treatment program" and "participation in mental health counseling" are not included in the regulations. So the provider would need to use his/her professional judgment as to whether or not participation in the program in question renders the client "unfit for work".
