RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE FOR FAMILIES IN TRANSITIONThe Department of Housing and Community Development is funding a new family homelessness prevention program - the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program. This $2 million pilot program will help low-income families who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness to access up to $3,000 in flexible funds to help with such expenses as first month’s rent, last month’s rent, security deposits, utility arrears, and moving costs. Additionally, supports that will allow a family to begin or continue a job (e.g., transportation supports) will also be available through RAFT funding. RAFT funds will be an important tool to help families exit or avoid homelessness. The program will be administered by the regional nonprofit housing agencies throughout Massachusetts. See accompanying list.
- Households with children under the age of 21 or children over the age of 21 who are dependent due to disabilities may be eligible for RAFT. (Other family configurations will be considered by the Department of Housing and Community Development [DHCD]) on a case-by-case basis.)
- Family income must be at or below 130% of the FPL ($24,505/year for a family of four).
- Families in both subsidized and unsubsidized units will be considered, as well as families who own their own homes.
- Families should be paying 50% or less of their income towards housing. Families paying more than 50% will be provided with the opportunity to show that RAFT payments will enable them to maintain their existing housing or obtain new housing.
Application process:
Eligible families may apply for RAFT funds through their regional nonprofit housing agency. (To determine which housing agency to contact, please see attached list.) Families must first call their housing agency and participate in an informal telephone screening. Families will then be placed on a waitlist to meet with a Housing Consumer Education Coordinator to talk about RAFT. At the meeting, the family will be asked to complete an application and supply the housing agency documentation to prove income level of the family. There will not be an asset test. Decisions will be made by the housing agency and funding will be granted on a first come first served basis. The maximum benefit will be $3,000 per family. Requests for assistance that exceed $1,500 will require approval from DHCD. DHCD plans to begin distributing funds within the new few weeks.
People who are undocumented can apply for this funding. There is a place on the application that asks for a social security number, however applicants can leave that space blank without fearing being reported to the authorities.
Though RAFT is a great new option, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless stresses that this will not fully replace the more comprehensive homelessness prevention programs that were in place in the early 1990s – an extensive safety net that included programs such as rent arrears (up to 4 months), mortgage arrears (up to 3 months), utility and fuel arrears (up to 4 months), disaster benefits (furniture replacement, household supplies and clothing), and appliance repair/replacement.
For more information, contact Kelly Turley, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, 781-595-7570 x17.