Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, recently launched an educational and outreach initiative and free website, , that compares a variety of prescription drugs on price, effectiveness and safety to help consumers and their doctors identify the most effective and affordable medicines.
The first reports to be released compare drugs in three widely-used categories: cholesterol-lowering medication, heartburn and acid reflux treatments, and anti-inflammatories commonly used to treat arthritis. Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs eventually will compare approximately 20 categories of the most widely used drugs based on price and scientific evidence. When justified by the evidence, the organization will choose a Best Buy Drug in a given category.
Each month, will feature a report on another drug category. The Web site will enable people to download information and take it to their doctor to discuss the most cost-effective treatment options.
The site combines evidence-based research on the comparative effectiveness and safety of prescription drugs with national-level data on drug prices. The information on drug effectiveness is derived from the Drug Effectiveness Review Project (DERP) which used teams of physicians and researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University Evidence-based Practice Center. The Project compiles drug effectiveness data for states to shape prescription drug coverage choices for their Medicaid programs. Drug price information used by CU is based on average retail prices paid in cash by consumers at the pharmacy. The CU reports are peer-reviewed by medical experts in the particular drug category.
In addition to the website, Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs will do significant outreach to physician, pharmacist, senior and low-income groups to help ensure the information gets into their hands.
-From press release, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2004