Update: Immigrant Match with Homeland Security Database
It was reported in the last MGH Community News that “ MassHealth Member Education reported at a recent meeting that the state has started to match applicant information against a Department of Homeland Security database, in addition to the Department of Revenue match they are already doing to check income.”
Here is a clarification and update. The state regulations have always said that when immigrants submit documentation to show that they are a "Qualified alien", MassHealth checks with immigration to confirm that the documents are genuine. There is a special computer connection with immigration that public benefit programs can use for this limited purpose (it's called SAVES). The regulations (and the MBR itself --see the NOTE on Supp. D of the MBR) also say MassHealth does NO matching if people apply for a program with no immigration criteria (like MassHealth Limited) and don't send in any documentation claiming to be qualified. (Note: yet another reason to remind people not to use false documents.)
MassHealth, however, has never really checked documents with immigration, despite what it says in the regulations. However, since they are supposed to be checking, they probably will start doing it eventually. DTA currently does use this "SAVES" system for Food Stamps and TAFDC.
Kim Simonian, of Partners Community Benefits says this is “not as bad as it sounds; however, it underscores the need for some reassurances in writing from the state that those applying for Limited, Healthy Start, CMSP, or Free Care will not be included in such a match.”
MLRI has submitted a flyer to MassHealth on what noncitizens need to know. The flyer makes clear no matching happens for people who don't submit documents and are only seeking Limited, Healthy Start, CMSP or Free Care. MassHealth has not responded with whether they will print it (or something like it).
-Adapted from messages from Kim Simonian, Partners Community Benefits and Vicki Poulos, Mass. Law Reform institute.