Website Helps Schedule Volunteers and Tasks

A new free web-based service, , offers valuable assistance to organize the often expansive community of volunteers willing to help during a health crisis. “Lotsa Helping Hands” provides a simple, immediate way for friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors to assist loved ones in need. Tools include a private group calendar, specifically designed for organizing helpers, where everyone can pitch in with meals delivery, rides, and other tasks necessary for life to run smoothly during a crisis.

Here’s how it works. A "coordinator" such as a close friend, a spouse, family member, or even the patient lists needs on the group calendar. The coordinator then adds the name and email address of each person who is interested in helping and lists what’s needed- such as meals, rides, etc. The system then automatically notifies volunteers by email about the site, with sign-in information. They can see the group calendar, and volunteer for tasks that fit their skills and availability. Volunteers receive automatic confirmations and reminders of their commitments. There are also messaging functions that allow health and other updates to be shared within a “helping community”.

For more information see the website or contact Barry Katz at (978) 835-6080.

03/2005, rev 7/17