Immigrant Issues:

Access to Free Care and Homeland Security

Since the MassHealth and Free Care eligibility processes were combined last Fall, the state has given Full Free Care eligibility to individuals who in the past would not have been eligible, given their immigration status (they are on travel visas, here as visitors, etc.) Also, the state has been giving Full Free Care wrap-around coverage to those with MassHealth Limited – another group who in the past had not always been eligible for Free Care. The state had been saying that this was a glitch they might fix. However, they now say that they have decided to just leave this as is, given the low volume it represents.

Homeland Security:

The state has indicated to us that they do not regularly share any information with the Dept of Homeland Security, but that they do share information if it’s requested. We are still trying to get some reassurances in writing about this. The state has suggested that perhaps they could do trainings with counselors on how to frame answers to applicants about immigration-related questions, and we will follow up with that offer.

- Adapted from e-mail “Free Care, MassHealth, and Virtual Gateway – Update”, from Kim Simonian, MPH , June 16, 2005
