New Web Tool for Medicare Beneficiaries with Limited Means

A new website developed by the Administration on Aging (AoA) with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Council on the Aging (NCOA) helps low-income Medicare Beneficiaries to access financial assistance for prescription drugs. will help older adults and the advocates who work with them take advantage of the Medicare low-income subsidy. The new service screens beneficiaries for eligibility and then provides a link to applying online through the Social Security Administration’s Web site. The site also includes state pharmacy assistance programs, private pharmaceutical company assistance programs, veterans and TRICARE benefits, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs (QMB, SLMB, QI), Supplemental Security Income (and state supplements), and the Medicare-approved drug discount cards that can still be obtained through December 2005. It incorporates state-specific income and asset eligibility requirements into its on-line screening tool.

The tool is confidential; no identifying information is required to use it.

-Adapted from: Retreived 7/19/05.
