RAFT Program Re-opens August 1st
Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) is a state program that provides short-term financial assistance to low-income families at risk for homelessness or transitioning from shelter. Families can access up to $3,000 in flexible funds to help with first or last month’s rent, security deposits, or utility arrears. RAFT has been approved for $5 million in state funding for fiscal year 2006, up from $2 million budgeted in fiscal year 2005. It will be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development through nine regional non-profit “Housing Consumer Education Centers”. Beginning August 1 st, or soon after, applications will be available by calling the Housing Consumer Education Centers (visit www.masshousinginfo.org/agencies to find the agency that serves a particular area). Applications will be processed on a first first-come first first-served basis. Turnaround of applications depends on the volume of applications, but once approved, an applicant will receive funds within two weeks.
Changes to the program
Last year, families were eligible for RAFT funding if they their income was at or less than were at 130% of the Federal Poverty Level ($24,505/year for a family of four ), ). however research Research determined that many of these families were already receiving subsidies and the program was not able to help others the more needy group- those above this amount. This year, families will be eligible if they are making 50% of the area median income or less, although no official figure has been released yet. Last year, RAFT funds could be used to cover moving costs, but this year funds will only be used for first or last month’s rent, security deposits, or utility arrears. Also, when applying for utility arrears, funds will not be approved until the applicant and the regional non-profit have worked with the utility company to advocate for debt forgiveness, payment plans, fuel assistance, and shut off protection for the client.
This program has a $3,000 maximum lifetime benefit. Families are only eligible for $3,000 in funds per their lifetime, s So a family that received $3,000 last year is no t eligible for any additional funds. If a family only received $2,000 from RAFT last year, though, they may still be approved for $1,000 this year.
We will keep you informed as As more information becomes available , it will be distributed to the Social Services Department.