The Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program reopened on August 1, 2005 after depleted funds caused its closure for part of FY 2005. The RAFT program provides up to $3,000 per family to help with needs such as back rent or mortgage payments, first or last month’s rent, security deposits, back- or stat-up utility bills and certain transportation and furniture costs (such as for large appliances and beds).


Families are defined as including:

A family must be: Financial eligibility:

Income must be less than 50% of area median income.

They will also look at cost of housing. If paying more than 50% of income towards housing costs, the applicant must be able to demonstrate that they will be able to maintain this housing.

Application and More Information

Contact the Housing Consumer Education Center main number at 800-224-5124 to find the appropriate local office, or visit www.masshousinginfo.org.
