As is apparent from media coverage and the questions we are all receiving, Medicare D is proving complex and difficult for Medicare recipients to understand. According to a Boston Globe editorial “there's a reason it is so complicated: The Republican leaders of Congress who crafted the plan are unsympathetic to social programs, and they loaded it up with special exceptions and limitations to further the goals in their political agenda” (November 22, 2005). To help you and your patients sort it all out, we are adding a special Medicare D section to the department’s website - coming soon!

In the meantime, some new clarifications are highlighted here.

Formulary Inclusion Required for Certain Drugs- Medicare is requiring “all or substantially all” of the drugs in the following drug categories to be on plan formularies: antidepressant, antipsychotic, anticonvulsant, anticancer, immunosuppressant, and HIV/AIDS.


Interactions with Other Programs

(See fact-sheets attached. Excerpts below.)


Prescription Advantage fact sheet


Since Medicare/Free Care patients may prefer to continue using Free Care for their medications, providers must educate patients about the important reasons to sign up for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D):

Patients who enroll in a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) plan may still use their Free Care to help with Part D cost-sharing and non-covered medications.

Part D and Free Care fact sheet

Unintended Consequences:

- From “ Medicare plan to cut off free drugs for the needy: Enrollees to lose medicine given by firms via charities”, By Thomas Ginsberg, Knight Ridder, November 19, 2005 in The Boston Globe .
