The Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership (MBHP), the agency charged with accepting Boston-area applications for RAFT (Rental Assistance for Families in Transition) has issued new application rules. These are intended to mitigate an increasing backlog of applications by requiring all verifications and documentation to be submitted with the application, rather than accepting partially complete applications. MBHP has designed a checklist and instructions to help applicants gather the necessary paperwork. Please see attached and at the website below. Checklists will also be available at the department’s website.
MBHP is also requiring that applicants complete an orientation session before applying. Orientation sessions are held at the MBHP offices at 125 Lincoln Street, Boston and are generally offered Fridays from 9:00am – noon and Tuesdays from 5:00 – 7:00pm.
More information about RAFT and the application process is available at the MBHP website- This includes the checklist, RAFT eligibility information, the RAFT application and dates of upcoming required training.
Or see the October 2005 issue of the MGH Community News, or the department’s website:, Staff Access >Basic Needs > Housing > Homelessness Prevention.