In the FY 06 budget, the Legislature rolled back and restructured premiums for the Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) to make cost sharing more affordable and equitable for families. Effective 11/1/05, these premiums make it easier for MA children to access and maintain continuous coverage.

However, from July thru September the Massachusetts Medicaid Office, which administers CMSP, had ended eligibility for families who missed a premium payment, even though families should have paid less under the new schedule. In October, they stopped ending eligibility for nonpayment of premiums.

Effective advocacy by the Children's Health Access Coalition, the Legislative Children's Caucus and others saw this issue through the budget process and implementation. Help spread the word that CMSP is now more affordable for Massachusetts families. See attached new premium chart here (detailed chart here).

-Adapted from Health Care For All December 2005 newsletter.
