RAFT Updates

Funding for the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) homelessness prevention program is quickly running out. The nine regional housing consumer education centers expect they will stop accepting applications between January and March, depending on when their allocations are spent. Those in need of this program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The appropriate regional agency can be found at http://www.masshousinginfo.org/agencies/.

Because they have nearly depleted their funds, the Metropolitan Boston Housing Project (MBHP) will not be offering any further RAFT orientation sessions until there are new RAFT appropriations (see November 2005 issue of MGH Community News). They welcome people to come to the office to meet with MBHP staff, but cannot guarantee they will have RAFT funds left. As a reasonable accommodation, MBHP will continue to mail applications for people unable to come to the office.
