Program Highlight:


In January 2005 the Citizens Energy/Distrigas Heat Assistance Program (CEDHAP) was created for people who are in financial need and are either ineligible to receive federal fuel assistance or have exhausted their fuel assistance allotments. The organizations recently issued a press release to remind the public about the program.

CEDHAP is administered by Citizens Energy and funded by Distrigas from proceeds dedicated from every LNG shipment to the Everett LNG terminal, for a total of about $1 million a year. According to the press release, since March 2005 about 4,000 Massachusetts households have used CEDHAP; more than 7,000 households are expected to benefit from the program in 2006.

To apply call 866-GAS-9918. Applicants should leave their name and address on the hotline, and an application will be mailed to within 24 hours. Applicants return completed form and a copy of their gas utility bill to Citizens Energy. If eligible, the household will receive a $150 credit on their bill.

-Adapted from Citizens Energy and Distrigas Continue Program to Help Massachusetts Natural Gas Customers In Need, press release, Boston, Mass., January 5, 2006.
