The Division of Medical Assistance has proposed amending MassHealth regulations to comply with the legislature’s directive to reinstate dental benefits for members who are pregnant, and for mothers with a child under the age of three years. For this group, benefits would be the same as what was covered for adults prior to the 2002 cut in adult dental benefits. These regulations went into effect January 15, 2006 as emergency regulations.
Though these regulations are currently in effect, the public comment period is still open through February 17, 2006. Comments may be submitted in writing to the Medicaid Director, EOHHS, One Ashburton Place, Room 1109, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, or e-mail them at E-mailed comments should contain the sender’s name, mailing address, and organization or affiliation, if any. The draft regulations can be accessed at The Division may adopt a revised version of the regulations pending results of this comment period.
To access the benefit, a patient must inform the dental provider that she is either pregnant or a mother with a child under age 3. No proof is currently required.
-Adapted from DMA’s “Notice Of Proposed Amendment Of Regulations” dated January 27, 2006, and “Health Care for All - MassHealth Defense Group Meeting Notes” from Kim
Simonian, MPH, Partners Community Benefits Programs, January 10, 2006.