Finally, the state Senate voted to override the Governor's veto of Section 27 of the health reform bill. This section preserves MassHealth Essential coverage for elderly and disabled legal immigrants and prevents the state from implementing sponsor deeming. After delaying this override three times for various reasons, the Senate finally overrode this veto by a vote of 34-5.
In 2003, state funded MassHealth for 10,000 “special status” adult legal immigrants was eliminated due to budget cuts. “Special status” immigrants are lawful Massachusetts residents who have had their green card for less than five years or who have pending asylum applications or green card applications. Though 3000 of the most vulnerable in this group, the elderly and disabled, have been restored the remaining 7000 special status immigrants, mainly working adults and parents, have been without coverage since 2003.
-Adapted from Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition , MIRA Weekly Bulletin May 31, 2006 and MIRA website: