MassHealth has started to roll-out its new two-year pilot Tobacco Cessation benefit for all MassHealth members. The previous draft of the regulations complied with an earlier legislative directive to limit this benefit to pregnant women and mothers with a child under the age of three. The amendments in the previous draft were to become effective no earlier than June 1, 2006. It is anticipated that these amendments will not go into effect before July 1, 2006.

The Benefit covers:

Counseling Services

Pharmacotherapy Services

These are draft regulations, subject to change. All persons desiring to submit data, views, or arguments concerning these proposed actions may submit them in writing to the Medicaid Director, EOHHS, One Ashburton Place, Room 1109, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, or e-mail them to E-mailed comments should contain the sender’s name, mailing address, and organization or affiliation, if any. Comments will be accepted through June 9, 2006.
