As reported previously, due to a new state law, starting July 1, 2006, MassHealth will cover more services for members aged 21 years or older (adults). (MassHealth already covers these services for members under the age of 21.)

Adults who are enrolled in MassHealth Standard, Prenatal, CommonHealth, Basic, and Family Assistance for persons with HIV can get all of the additional services listed below. Adults who are enrolled in MassHealth Essential can get all of the additional services listed below, except for vision, chiropractor, and orthotic services. MassHealth Essential does not cover those services.

MassHealth will cover the following services for eligible adults, starting July 1, 2006. Certain conditions and limitations may apply (for example, some services need prior approval).

MassHealth members may receive group or individual counseling by requesting tobacco cessation counseling services from their doctor. These services are available through MassHealth physicians, community health centers, and hospital outpatient departments (other than the emergency department). Also, members may request a prescription from their doctor for nicotine replacement medicine, including nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges, and certain other medicines to help members in the process of quitting tobacco.

And don’t forget these other changes:

-Adapted from Important Message about Your Health Benefits, letter from EOHHS and several extremely useful and timely e-mails throughout June 2006 from Kim Simonian, Partners Community Benefit Programs, Health Access and Community Partnerships.
