The Boston Homelessness Prevention Clearinghouse (BHPC) is a new program intended to strengthen homelessness prevention services citywide. BHPC is made possible by a partnership between the City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development, the Emergency Shelter Commission, and the Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation. BHPC collaborates with more than 35 partner homelessness prevention agencies to achieve the following goals:

BHPC also has funds similar to Massachusetts’ Residential Assistance to Families in Transition (RAFT) program, however with two major differences – applicants must live in Boston and applicants do not need to have children in order to apply. (For more information on RAFT, visit the Staff Access Section of the Social Services Department website, Community Resource Center > Basic Needs> Housing > Homeless Prevention.) BHPC seeks to fill the gaps uncovered by RAFT. The program can help with rent, mortgages, and utility arrearages. The average grant is approximately $1,100, and currently there is no maximum amount that an applicant can request.


Please contact the BHPC Information Line (617-425-6692) for more information or to apply.
