Here are some updates on the MassHealth proof of citizenship requirements from the MassHealth Training Forum held in late October:
Deadline and interim coverage updates:
- MassHealth automatically sent extension letters to everyone with October, November, and December redetermination deadlines to give them additional time to meet the new requirements. As a result, no current members should have been dropped yet for failure to provide proof of citizenship and identity. In the future, though, members must call the MassHealth Enrollment Center and request additional time if they need it; those under 65 are eligible for an additional 60 days and those 65 and over are eligible for an additional 30 days.
- Once someone is terminated from coverage because they did not return their documentation, then it's too late to request an extension. The patient must apply again once they have their documentation.
- Individuals who have been, or are being, converted from Free Care to Commonwealth Care do not have to submit their citizenship and identity verifications until their annual redetermination.
- At the time of their annual review, MassHealth members continue to be eligible for their current MassHealth benefits during the 60 or 30-day time period. Additional time can also be requested if the individual is making a serious attempt to submit the documentation.
- Applicants who are under age 19 or who are pregnant will continue to receive presumptive eligibility for MassHealth while they obtain their documentation. These individuals are still required to supply necessary documentation within 60 days. Additional time may also be granted.
Documentation rules updates:
- MassHealth will accept an expired driver’s license as a proof of identity.
- MassHealth expects the electronic match for MA driver's licenses to be up and running by end of December.
- MassHealth is not assisting individuals to get out- of- state birth certificates.
- Individuals who recently got out of prison and have no documents with them are not exempted from these requirements.
- MassHealth recommends lightening up photocopies of photo IDs before faxing to them so that they are legible. They also suggest that counselors include their contact information and the member's SSN when faxing verifications.
-Adapted from “MassHealth proof of citizenship updates” e-mail, November 03, 2006, from Kim Simonian, MPH, Health Access and Community Partnerships, Partners HealthCare Community Benefit Programs