QUESTION 1: Is someone eligible for Commonwealth Care pending a MassHealth disability determination?
A MassHealth denial is required for Commonwealth Care eligibility. Awaiting a disability determination means a case is “pending” and until a person receives a denial, they are ineligible for Commonwealth Care.QUESTION 2: Is someone eligible for Commonwealth Care during their CommonHealth spend-down period?
If someone has been denied MassHealth's CommonHealth program pending a spend-down, this denial makes them eligible. This person can either continue to use the Uncompensated Care Pool while attempting to meet the CommonHealth spend-down or they can enroll in Commonwealth Care.QUESTION 3: Are non-citizens eligible for Commonwealth Care?
Immigrant eligibility rules for MassHealth and Commonwealth Care permit all lawfully present non-citizens to be eligible for Commonwealth Care. This includes all legal permanent residents (regardless of their date of entry) and any non-citizens permanently residing in the US under color of law (PRUCOL).-Adapted From: e-mail “Commonwealth Care - new FAQs and resources”, from Kim Simonian, MPH, Partners Community Benefit Programs, Health Access and Community Partnerships, February 08, 2007