MASS 2-1-1

The Federal Communications Commission has established the 2-1-1 phone number as a nationwide number to call for non-emergency information and referral services. This action was taken to reduce the number of inappropriate non-emergency calls to 9-1-1. Massachusetts has become the 17 th state to create and fund a 2-1-1 program. Mass 2-1-1 was created by the Council of Massachusetts United Ways and the Massachusetts Association of Information & Referral Specialists. It is a call center intended to provide free statewide non-emergency information and referral services on a broad range of services including elder care, health resources, nutrition supports, and post-disaster services (answering questions such as who to call for a flooded cellar and is the water safe to drink?). Mass 2-1-1 operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p. m. and should be available from landlines and wireless carriers.

If there are problems with the system users should report them to the United Way of Tri-County at 888-811-3291. The Community Resource Center would appreciate hearing of your experiences with this resource, please contact Ellen Forman, x6-5807.

-Adapted from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Transitional Assistance Field Operations Memo 2007-30, “The Mass 2-1-1 Program: Changing the Way to Find Help”, May 1, 2007.
