The Connector has released a new "FAQ" document addressing some changes that are happening to Commonwealth Care on July 1 st. See:
Key changes include new premium levels. For individuals with incomes:
- 0-100% FPL – there is no change - no premium.
- 100-150% FPL will no longer pay a premium.
- 150-200% FPL – premiums will decrease by $5.
- 200-250% FPL – no change in premiums.
- 250 – 300% FPL – premiums will decrease by $1.
Summary of July 1 Commonwealth Care Premium Changes
Family incomes as % of FPL
Plan Type
Lowest cost plan* monthly premiums
1/1/07 – 6/30/07
Lowest cost plan* monthly premiums 7/1/07
Effective change in premiums
No change
100 – 150%
No more premiums
150 – 200%
Decrease by five dollars
200 – 250%
3 or 4
No change
250 – 300%
3 or 4
Decrease by one dollar
* These are monthly premiums for the lowest cost health plan. If you choose a health plan other than the lowest cost health plan, premiums may be higher.
Those currently enrolled in Commonwealth Care at the 100-150% FPL level are responsible for paying their premiums through June 2007. If they owe any past-due premiums for previous months, that amount will be reflected in the invoice that they should receive in June. After that, the invoices will stop, but the amount owed will be tracked by Commonwealth Care and is still the responsibility of the member. If the member’s income changes such that she would be eligible for a premium paying Commonwealth Care benefit, and she hasn’t paid what she owes she may lose her Commonwealth Care benefits. Members can contact Common Commonwealth Care customer service at 1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765) or TTY: 1-877-623-7773 , Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM to request a payment plan.
See attached Federal Poverty Level limits document.
-Adapted from “UPDATES - Commonwealth Care, Commonwealth Choice” e-mail from Kim M. Simonian, MPH, Health Access and Community Partnerships, Community Benefit Programs, Partners HealthCare, May 11, 2007 and Commonwealth Connector, “Commonwealth Care Frequently Asked Questions: Program Update May 1, 2007”