MassHealth Proof of Citizenship and Identity Rules Update

Free care :
As you know, the proof of citizenship requirements that went into effect last summer were applied not only to MassHealth members and applicants, but to those applying for Free Care as well. In other words, if a US citizen could not show proof of identity and US citizenship, then he was denied access not only to MassHealth, but also to Free Care.

Although this is still a requirement for MassHealth and Commonwealth Care applicants, the state has announced that they will now allow individuals who are unable to provide proof of identity and citizenship to be approved for Free Care.

US citizens who were denied benefits prior to April 25th, 2007 due to failure to provide this documentation will receive letters from MassHealth stating that they are Free Care eligible. Applicants who have applied since April 25th will be approved for Free Care, without being required to provide this proof of citizenship and identity.

RMV Auto-Match:
MassHealth has just completed an electronic match with the Registry of Motor Vehicles to confirm the identity of applicants. This means that those applicants with Mass driver's licenses or Mass non-driver ID's will now have their identity verified automatically, but still need to verify citizenship.

-From “update - MassHealth proof of citizenship requirements”, June 04, 2007 e-mail and “MassHealth Proof of Citizenship and Identity – update”June 11, 2007 e-mail, both from Kim Simonian, MPH, Health Access and Community Partnerships, Partners’ Community Benefit Programs.
