The Division of Insurance (DOI) finalized its Young Adults Plan (YAP) regulations in late July. The YAP regulations were promulgated as emergency regulations in April and DOI held a hearing in May to hear from members of the public. Though all but 2 testifiers (Tom Nyzio from the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans and Bob Carey from the Connector) expressed concerns with the current content of the regulations, DOI finalized the regulations with no substantive changes.

Of greatest concern to physicians and consumers – YAPs are allowed to cap the benefits they provide to as little as $50,000 per year. Health Care for All staff write: “Not only do these caps undermine the purpose of insurance, but they also put young adults who have accidents or are diagnosed with serious illnesses at risk of financial ruin and barriers to care. We hope that DOI will keep a close eye on the impact of these caps and consider revisiting this issue soon.”

Click here for more information on that hearing and to read ACT!!’s testimony.

-Adapted from: a healthy blog, July 25, 2007 at
