Recently a Social Worker asked the CRC to locate a low cost or free motorized scooter for a patient that would otherwise not be able to afford one. Free or low cost motorized scooters, electric wheelchairs, and hospital beds are among the many pieces of medical equipment that are hard to find. These are just a few of the many items that are now easier to locate because of a valuable assistive technology exchange website:
The Mass. Rehab Commission has joined with other New England states to create this website that helps people post and search for assistive technology devices. “The goal of the Assistive Technology Exchange in New England is to put assistive technology equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from it.” The website operates through an anonymous emailing system after free registration.
< Searchable categories:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Speech/Communication
- Learning/Cognitive/Developmental
- Mobility/Seating & Positioning
- Daily Living
- Environmental Adaptations
- Transportation & Vehicle Modifications
- Computers & Computer Related
- Recreation/Sports & Leisure
- Other
To post or search for assistive technology, visit: