INDIVIDUAL MANDATE: COUNTDOWN TO DEADLINEDo you have health insurance? Do your clients? November 15th is the time to sign up - here's why: December 31st is the date by which all state residents 18 and older must have insurance, if an affordable plan is available. Since coverage for most plans starts on the first of the month, an individual must be enrolled in a health plan by December 1 to meet the 31st deadline. To enroll by the first of the month, he or she must sign up with the health plan a few weeks before - by November 15. The average time an application for the state subsidized programs takes to be processed is 4-6 weeks, so tell everyone you know to apply today! The penalty for not having insurance on December 31 (if an affordable plan is available) is the loss of the personal tax exemption, $219. Starting on January 1, 2008, the penalty will change and will accrue month-by-month for as long as someone is uninsured. HCFA's Outreach and Enrollment Team and Helpline are hearing from many confused consumers. If you have questions about the mandate, eligibility for a plan, or affordability, here are some resources:-Adapted from: “Countdown to Deadline” Health Care For All News -- November 2007; 11/01/2007.· The Health Care For All Helpline: 1-800-272-4232
· The Connector's customer hotline: 1-877-MA-ENROLL
· The Connector's website: