As you are well aware, Mass residents age 18 and over who don't have coverage on December 31st will lose their state income tax exemption ($219) for 2007. Penalties will increase in 2008.
Individuals who do not have access to affordable health insurance will be exempt from these penalties. The state has created a worksheet and an interactive tool to help individuals determine whether they are subject to penalties for not having health insurance. The worksheet is attached, along with a fact-sheet that can be used to explain the individual mandate to patients and staff. These will be available to social service staff for future reference on our website- staff access > Basic Needs > Health Care Coverage > Commonwealth Care & Commonwealth Choice (section on individual mandate).
-Adapted from “Individual Mandate to have health insurance” e-mail from Kim Simonian, MPH, Community Benefit Programs, Partners HealthCare, November 12, 2007.