PALS, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides personal advocacy and support to assist parents and other caregivers establish and maintain a lifetime plan for a safe and secure future for their loved one with a disability. This entails working with families to develop a plan for the future and put a network of support in place to ensure lifetime care, peace of mind, and legal and financial security.
A future plan involves gathering information on the family and the family member with disabilities. PALS helps the family complete a comprehensive information organizer and write a Vision Statement, based on medical, vocational, financial, housing, recreational and behavioral information. A work plan is developed with time lines, goals and a list of potential Personal Support Network members.
Personal Support Networks are ongoing relationships with family, friends and colleagues. People start building circles of friendships in childhood and continue to do so lifelong. The quality and variety of one’s Personal Support Network is one measure of the richness and social stability in life. Many people with special needs are unable to initiate and maintain networks, becoming isolated and lonely, which is unnatural and unhealthy. PALS nurtures the development of a personal network of committed men and women who join together in a relationship with the individual and with each other. Members offer support, monitoring, advocacy, companionship and caring. Developing a personal network is the foundation of a future plan. Network members contribute to the quality of the person with the disability’s life as they prepare for their role after the parent/caregiver is gone.
Networks ensure a safe and secure future for the disabled adult by contributing to the quality of their life by:
- Creating a "safety net" where key players are informed
- Providing links to others in the community
- Advocacy
- Securing and monitoring supports and services
- Providing a forum for network members to support one another
- Providing security and a sense of relief for all family members
- Acting as a resource for executors and trustees
- Acting as representatives and supporting decision-making
- Planning, dreaming, socializing and having fun
For more information go to, email or contact 978/369-0025.
-Adapted from The Margolis & Associates Weekly, News from Margolis & Associates, November 12, 2007 and information from