Solutions at Work provides resources and supportive services to aid and empower those transitioning from homelessness. Located in Cambridge, Solutions has several programs which help individuals achieve self-reliance and be productive members of society. The programs include a transportation program, affordable moving program, interview appropriate clothing, computer access, and a children’s clothing program.

The Wheels program recognizes that transportation can be a major barrier to many transitioning from homelessness. Through the appropriation of donated cars and bicycles to those in need, the Wheels program helps create a way for people to get to appointments or jobs (especially in areas inaccessible by public transportation), or help those who are living in shelters that do not offer day-time storage for guests’ belongings.

Donations: Donated vehicles are fully tax deductible. Cars must be able to run well for at least two years and be able to pass Massachusetts state inspection without any repairs. Generally, Solutions at Work accepts cars with up to 150,000 miles (foreign models) and 100,000 miles (American models).
All bicycle donations are reconditioned before being given away. All types of bicycles are accepted as well as bike parts, locks, chains, and helmets.

Call (617) 492-0300 or email for further information or to arrange a Wheels donation.

Moving Up:
Moving Up low-cost moving service will help those who are moving into affordable housing, moving out of a shelter, or those who are picking up furniture from the Mass Coalition for the Homeless furniture bank. Rates are approximately half of professional movers’ rates. Clients must be referred by a social service organization and prepay the $60.00 fee for services.
For more information or a referral form please contact Solutions at Work 617-492-0300.

Solutions Wear:
The Solutions Wear program provides free interview-appropriate clothing to

Referrals are required. To make a referral please contact Adonna at 617-576-0039. The Solutions Wear program is located at:
Roosevelt Towers Housing Complex
391 Evereteze Way
Cambridge, MA 02141
Directions -

Get Connected! :
The Computer Center located at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church gives homeless people access to the Internet and printers to assist with creating resumes and applying for jobs. Additionally, the center offers a supportive environment for learning, including individual lessons in Microsoft office and basic computer skills.

The Center is open from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday though Friday.
Old Cambridge Baptist Church
1151 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Directions -

Children’s Clothing Exchange:
The Children’s Clothing Exchange program uses a bartering system to allow families to upgrade children’s wardrobes without spending a fortune. Families can trade used clothing for clothing of the same quality. For instance a summer outfit of good quality can be traded for a winter coat of equal quality. If one does not have good quality clothes to trade, she/he can trade volunteer time for clothing.

The Children’s Clothing Exchange is open 10-4 every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday plus the first two Saturdays of every month and is located at:
Roosevelt Towers Housing Complex
391 Evereteze Way
Cambridge, MA 02141
Directions -
Phone: (617) 576-0039

IRis Keywords include: Employment/Job Training; Financial/Second Hand Furniture; Financial/Second Hand Clothing; and Housing/Moving.
