Managed RX Plans is a mail-order pharmacy that provides prescription drugs to those who have “an acceptable major medical insurance with prescription coverage” (i.e., one with 70% coverage). They specialize in high-cost medications for those with long-term needs such as for treatment for Cancer, MS, HIV/AIDS, Infertility, Anti-Rejection/Transplant, Arthritis, or Hepatitis. They cover any FDA approved treatment, including injectables. They claim to accept insurance coverage as payment in full after members have met their deductible- in other words there are no further co-pays. They do not accept Medicare or Medicaid. This limits the population for whom this program is helpful, but it certainly make a big difference or those eligible who otherwise would have significant co-pays for multiple drugs.

Let the buyer beware! Their advertising materials use terms like “no cost” and “cost free”, which may be misleading. Patients are still responsible for their deductibles and any medications being used off-label (i.e., for uses that are not FDA approved).
Customer service is available Monday through Friday, 9a.m. – 5:30p.m. (EST) - Christine Waterhouse, 1-800-799-8765 or at

Application required and is available through their website:
