It was recently reported in this space that the state office of Elder Affairs and MassHealth were rolling out a new "Enhanced Adult Family Care Program," which is an expansion of the MassHealth Adult Foster Care Program (AFC). The Enhanced Adult Family Care program is designed to meet the needs of individuals requiring a higher level of AFC care and broaden the spectrum of caregivers to include most family members or friends in a home setting thereby preventing or delaying institutional care.
The MGH Family Care program is starting to take referrals for this program in anticipation of receiving the final regulations in February. They will train staff shortly.
The Enhanced Adult Family Care program not only allows elders and persons with disabilities to move into a caregiver’s home, but allows a caregiver to move into the individual’s home. Participants must be 16 years or older and meet MassHealth financial and clinical eligibility standards. Caregivers may be any friend or family member other than a spouse, parent, or legally responsible relative (guardian) and must meet qualifications specified by the state.
Eligibility is also based on physical assistance requirements. The applicant must require physical assistance with:
- at least three of the following activities: bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, ambulating, eating; OR,
- with two of the activities above AND management of behaviors that require caregiver intervention such as wandering, verbally abusive behavioral symptoms, physically abusive behavioral symptoms, socially inappropriate or disruptive behavioral symptoms, or resisting care.
For additional information, please contact the MGH Family Care program.
-Adapted from: http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=pressreleases&agId=Eeohhs2&prModName=eohhspressrelease&prFile=061120_enhanced_adult_family_care.xml