Elder (65 or over) non-citizens with disabilities currently receiving Emergency Aid to Elders, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) who are not eligible for Food Stamps because of the 5-year immigration waiting period, can now qualify for Food Stamps if they are disabled.

Disability for this purposes differs from the 60 day duration required those under 65 applying for EAEDC benefits. Applicants must have severe mental or physical impairment that will last 12 months or result in death and prevent substantial gainful activity in light of the person's age, education, and work experience. When a noncitizen age 65 or older applies for EAEDC benefits, the eligibility is based on age and no medical report or disability supplement is required. To provide elderly noncitizens with nutritional benefits and increase participation in the Food Stamp Program, elderly noncitizens receiving EAEDC may now verify disability for food stamp purposes by submitting a Food Stamp Disability Verification for Elderly Noncitizens form (see attachment) signed by a licensed medical practitioner.

Important: This form can only be used to establish disability for food stamp eligibility for noncitizen EAEDC applicants/members who are 65 or over who have been in the U.S. less than five years. It cannot be used to establish disability for any other DTA program, including EAEDC.

Please click here for a PDF version of the Field Operations memo from DTA detailing the change in procedures. The new Food Stamps Disability Verification for Elderly Non-citizens form is attached.

-Adapted from the following resources on the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition website and

