When a MassHealth Long-Term Care applicant has made what MassHealth determines is a “disqualifying transfer of resources”, MassHealth imposes a period of ineligibility for payment of nursing facility services. When calculating the period of ineligibility, MassHealth uses the average cost to a patient paying privately for nursing facility services in the Commonwealth. Periodically, this figure is revised to reflect increased costs. Effective May 1, 2008, the average cost to a patient paying privately for nursing facility services in the Commonwealth increased from $256 a day to $267 a day.

The date MassHealth receives the application or eligibility review form determines which amount to use when calculating the period of ineligibility or “penalty period”.

For example, for an application filed prior to May 1, a transfer of $100,000 would have caused 391 days of ineligibility. The same transfer would cause 375 days of ineligibility for an application filed after May 1.

-Adapted from: “ MassHealth Revised Eligibility Divisor to $267”, The Margolis & Bloom Weekly, 6/02/08 and MassHealth Eligibility Operations Memo 08-09 , “Average Cost for Nursing Facility Services” May 15, 2008.

