As of July 10, 2008, parents are required to use car seats or booster seats to protect kids until they are tall enough for adult seat belts.

Under the new law, children must be 8 years old or 4 feet, 9 inches tall to use adult belts. Smaller children don't get the safety benefit -- and can be seriously injured -- from adult seat belts that run across their abdomens or chest instead of their hips.

The new law replaces one that used a weight and age standard for using adult belts. The old law required only that kids up to age 5 and 40 pounds be protected by a car seat or booster seat.

The new law carries a $25 fine.

State troopers will be able to stop a car if they see a child who isn't properly protected.

-Adapted from “Mass. booster seat bill takes effect”, The Boston Globe, July 10, 2008, from the Associated Press. Retrieved from:

