In a swift rebuke to President Bush, on July 15, 2008, Congress voted overwhelmingly to override his veto of a Medicare bill that would forestall pay cuts to doctors who treat seniors, the disabled, and military personnel.

The House voted 383 to 41 to block the president's veto. An hour later, the Senate voted 70 to 26 to override the veto.

The pay cut to doctors would have taken effect July 15, 2008, and many have said it would force them to stop treating Medicare patients.

The bill, called the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA), would halt a scheduled 10.6 percent cut in payments to physicians and instead institute a 1.1 percent payment increase in 2009.

The bill would improve preventive and mental health benefits, increase access to physical, occupational, and speech and language therapy, and increase help for low-income Medicare recipients with their out-of-pocket and prescription drug costs.

Bush and many Republicans opposed the bill because funds to prevent the cut in doctor payments would come from more than $12 billion in cuts to private insurance companies that offer coverage under the private Medicare Advantage program, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

But Democrats depicted Bush as siding with private companies over seniors in his drive to privatize the federal program for seniors and the disabled.

The law also affects the 9.2 million active and retired military personnel and their family members who use the military's Tricare system, because it uses payment rates set by Medicare. 

-Adapted from: “Congress overrides Bush's veto on Medicare bill Move blocks pay cuts to doctors” By Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times, July 16, 2008, retrieved from; Congress Overrides Veto of Medicare Bill” MEDICARE WATCH , a biweekly electronic newsletter of the Medicare Rights Center, Vol. 11, No. 15: July 22, 2008 and “ Worth Fighting For” Asclepios, Your Weekly Medicare Consumer Advocacy Update , July 10, 2008 • Volume 8, Issue 28, And “ How New Medicare Changes Impact Elderly”

